Galitzin (Golicyn), B. [Boris Borisovič]: Ueber ein neues aperiodisches Horizontalpendel mit Galvanometrischer Fernregistrierung + Seismometrische Tabellen
St. Petersburg. 1911. (2)+131+(2)+266 pages. Printed wrappers, two volumes. The over-sized wrappers are a rubbed with tears, creases and loss of paper in the outer margin and on the spine. Loss of paper in the upper corner of the back-wrapper of the text volume. The first signature of the volume with tables is partly loose. With fold-out plates. Unopened. From "Nachrichten d. Seismischen Kommission. Bd. IV. Lief. 1."
Genre: Matematik & naturvetenskap
Genre: Matematik & naturvetenskap
Pris: 800 kr
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